A Reader’s Blessing

Reader Sue Bonk offered the following blessing tale after reading the article/excerpt in November’s “Good Housekeeping:” It’s lovely. Thank you, Sue!

“I wanted to share a blessing. After our daughter was born, a Catholic Nun shared a story about her youngest sister. The sister had married a Menonite and took on his faith. This had the entire family shocked and saddened. The Nun shared her reaction with me and said she had no concerns about her sister’s new faith, as long as she would always bless her children. I did not know at the time that this Nun had lost a baby at one time. She felt that God shines a blessing on all and it is our job on earth to help him spread the blessing. This gave me pause and I started blessing our daughter with the following blessing, gently tapping the body parts I included: Bless your forehead and Bless your nose… Bless your mouth and Bless your toes. Bless your elbow and Bless your knee….Bless your tummy and God Bless Thee!
When our daughter gained language she told me that I needed to Bless
her other eye too…then we realized that because I hurried through this ritual she thought I was blessing an eye when I was blessing her head. Whenever other children visited I would Bless them too and they always had me write it down to take home for their families.”


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